Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2013

7. Philippinen: e paar Bilder / a few pictures

Ich weiss, viele von euch sind gespannt und wuerden gerne Bilder aus dem Waisenhaus sehen. Um die Kinder zu schuetzen und damit das Father's House keine Probleme mit dem Jugendamt bekommt, werdet ihr jedoch keine Bilder der Kids zu Gesicht bekommen. Danke fuer's Verstaendnis.

I know lots of you would love to see pics of the kids here. But to protect the children and the Father's House (they could get into trouble with the child protective service) I won't upload any pics of the kids. Thanks for the understanding.

Wo ich am erschte Tag diea Begruessig gseh han, han ich gwusst, dass da mit Ries und Fisch gar noed wird so schlimm si *smile*.
When I saw my nicely decorated room I knew that it can't be that bad here, with only rice and fish.

Mega viel Woesch taeglich fuer d'Waeschfraue, wo zum Teil no vo Hand waesched.
Lots of work for the women who wash all the cloths of the kids. Part of it is still done by hand washing.
Dae "Baon" (s'Zmittagesse, Ries und oepis *smile*) isch ready fuer d'Kids.
The "baon" (lunch, rice and something) is ready for the kids.
Wil im Hus noed all Platz haend, isst immer en Teil im Garte.
There is not space enough for all the people, therefore a group is always eating in the garden.
Wiea i dae Schuel, oder?
Isn't it like in school?
Gad gegenueber vom Huesli wo ich drin wohn, hets en Fuessballplatz, wo fascht immer bsetzt isch.
Next to the house where I'm living, is a soccer field. Most of the time a bunch of boys is practicing.

Im Vordergrund en "jeepney" (sozaege s'Poschti), im Hindergrund ae SUVA-konformi Baustell *smile*.
In the front you see a "jeepney", part of the public transport system.
S'Tricycle, aes oeffentliche Verkehrsmittel, wird sehr huefig verwendet.
The "tricycle" is a great way to travel.

Am "Pedicab-Chauffeur" gegenueber han amel chli e schlechts Gwuesse, wil er waeg mir muess trample. Aber isch e cooli, belieabti Art zum vo A noch B z'go.
Mostly I feel sorry for the "pedicab-rider", because he has to do hard work for me. But it's a nice way to go from A to B.

Gseht us, als goenned sie sich e Pause.
Looks like they take a break (and a kitkat *smile).
Gad naebed em "Father's House" haet's e herzigs Kafi mit leckere Mango-shakes.
Next to the Father's House is a cute little coffee shop, with very delicious mango shakes.
Huet han ich frei gha und mir en Debby-Zmorge gmacht, Nutella-Toast mit Banane und Mango. Es git also noed nu Ries.
Today it was my day off and I made a yummy breakfast. You see, I don't have to eat only rice *smile*.
Vieli Sache sind noed wiea ich's mir gwoehnt bin, aber bi daem Ablick han ich doch glatt muesse d'Kamera zuecke. Ha no niea oeper gseh d'Hoor mit em glaette.
Lots of things are different to what I'm used to. But when I saw that, I had to take a picture. Never saw someone ironing the hair.
D'Natur vermiss ich do mengisch chli i de Grossstadt und erfreu mich umso meh, ab some wunderschoene Ablick.
I sometimes miss the nature here in this mega city. Even more I'm excited about such awesome views.

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