Montag, 26. August 2013

5. Australien: Seaford, Bilder / pictures

Mis Lieäblingskafi am Meer, wunderschön...
My favorite coffee shop at the beach, just gorgeous...
D'Lea hät recht, s'Meer gseht würklich jede Tag wieder andersch us.
Lea was right, the ocean changes daily.
Ich bin fasziniert, vo de viele verschiedene Blautön.
I'm fascinated of the thousands different blues.
D'Lili lieäbts am Strand, au wenn's frei umelaufe wür 100 Dollars choschte.
Lili loves it at the beach, even it would cost 100 Dollars if they saw her running around off the leash.

D'Ramona mit dä Lea ihrne Schätz.
Ramona with Lea's loved once.

Definitiv kei Angscht vor em Wasser...
Definitely no fear of the water.

Jede Tag mindeschtens 1x am Beach.
Everyday I'm at least once at the beach. I just love it.

Uf em Wäg noch Frankston.
On the way to Frankston.
I kenn paar, wo gad würed mitfische *smile*.
I know some who would fish there too.
S'Naturschutzgebieät, näbed em Hus vo de Lea. Wunderschön.
The wetlands behind Lea's home in Seaford. Beautiful.

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