Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2014

8. Malaysia: e paar Bilder / pictures

D'Shonna am Handle, sie macht sich ready für d'WM.
Shonna is bargaining. She wants to get ready for the WM.
D'Spiescharte isch a de Wand, 1 Menu hät da Reschti *smile*.
The only one menu of this restaurant you can see at the wall *smile*.
I lieäb "Fishmassages", mini Füess händs noch so viel Flipflop bitter nötig gha.
I love Fish massages. My feet needed it urgently after walking around all the time with slippers.

Bim Side mole isch mir natürlich d'Margret in Sinn cho. *smile*
While doing silk painting I had to think of Margret *smile*.

Ohni Photoshop *smile*.
Without photoshop *smile*
Wieä unglaublich schön isch d'Natur, chan oft eifach nu Stune.
How awesome is nature, I often just have to stun about.
S'Menu uf em Bananeblatt serviert und g'ässe wird vo Hand. Da machemer denn dihei mol, d'Lea chocht für üs sicher mol indisch *smile*.
The menu, served on a banana leave, we ate by hand. *smile*
Mangosteen, ä mega erfrischendi Frucht.
Mangosteen, what a refreshing fruit.
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D'Ritschka's in Malaka sind für d'Tourischte bsunders schön gsmückt *smile*.
The special nicely made ritschkas from Malaka are very famous.

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