Ame Sunntig simmer mit de Chind anen Bach. Diea bewohnt Huette haemmer underwaegs atroffe. One sunday we went with the kids to a crick. On the way we passed this little house |
En vo de Juengschte wo sich am Wasser erfreut haet. One of the youngest one who loved it to play with the water. |
Vor erer Wuche simmer in Zoo :-), fuer paar vo de Chind isch da s'erscht Mol im Laebe gsi. A week ago we went to the zoo. For some of the kids it was the first time in their lives. |
Oft sind sie us em Stune fascht nuem use cho. Just amazing, such beautiful animals. |
D'Kids haend de Zoo glieabt. The kids loved the zoo. |
Aes Meitli haet chum me choene ufhoere... ufe, abe, ufe, abe... A girl who went up and down and up and down... |
Sind eifach herzigi Luet diea Philippinos. Just handsome people the Filippinos. |
Noch em Zoo simmer inen Park go Zmittag esse. Es Meitli haet e riese Freud a ihrem Drache. One of the kids is enjoying the kite in a park where we enjoyed a picknick after the zoo. |
Woelles Chind het kei Freud a dene vielne Balloen :-). Which kid wouldn't be happy about all this ballons :-). |
Dank em Jeff und sinere Familie han ich 1x meh d'Moeglichkeit gha, an Hafe z'go. Thanks Jeff and his family I could enjoy once more a wonderful day at the water. |
D'Moeglichkeit de Sunneundergang z'betrachte haend sich vieli noed woelle entgo loh. Lots of people gathered around the bay to see the sunset. |
Mega schoen gsi, sit Langem (2 Moenet) wiedermol en Sunneundergang z'gseh. It was amazing to stun once more (I had to wait 2 months) about an amazing sunset. |
Fuer mich es mega Wunder, wo Gott sei Dank fuer alli Mensche eifach gratis z'beobachte und z'bestune isch. For me, a sunset is just a miracle. Thanks to God it's free for everybody |
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