Freitag, 6. September 2013

5. Australien: Road trip, Bilder / pictures

Debby uf dä Safari :-).
Debby, who felt like on a safari.
D'Lea hät d'Werbig vo däre Chile z'erscht entdeckt.
Lea was the one, who recommended going to this church.
Z'gföhrlich zum go Surfe, aber d'Lea chas doch nöd si loh, zum sich im ischalte Wasser go abchüele.
Too dangerous to surf. But still Lea had to jump into the ice cold water. Crazy!
In Lakes Entrance bim Obigspaziergang.
In Lakes Entrance during the evening walk.
Dä lieäblich Hafe vo Lakes Entrance.
The picturesque harbour of Lakes Entrance.
Ich wet ich het en Papagei,...:-)...
Amazing the beautiful parrots, which fly around here.
Bin leider chli langsam gsi und ha di andere 6 Kängis nöd verwütscht.
There were six more, but I was to slow to catch them with my camera. mir dihei, für mich ällei :-)...
I love the colourful birds...
Dä wunderschön Strand in Tidal River.
The wonderful beach at Tidal River.
D'Lea noch em Surfe.
Lea after catching some waves.

Ha dä Surfer recht beniedet, wo d'Wal hät chöne us nöchschter Nöchi beobachte.
I envied the surfer, who could see the wales playing in the ocean from very close.
Ich känn d'Lea sit 17 Johr. Sie isch eifach en Schatz. Mir händ üs köschtlich amüsiert über Stories us dä Vergangeheit.
I've known Lea for 17 years. She's just amazing. It was funny to share stories we've experienced together.
Wilsons Prom, än wunderschöne Fleck Erde.
Wilsons Prom, a great place on earth.
Ä mega schöni Wanderig bis zum Endi wo me gseht em "Tongue point", .
A beautiful hike to "Tongue point", the very far end you can see.

Unberührti Natur, so wit wieä ich cha gseh.
As far as I can see, nothing except nature.
Dä Grund warum ich i dä Primar mol ha müässe vor d'Türe :-).
How amazing, Australia's wildlife.
Äs Wallaby, ghört au zu dä Familieä vo dä Kängurus.
Wallabies are part of the kangaroo family too.
Än herzige, knudelige Wombat.
A cute wombat.

Opossums kenn ich nu us Ice Age.
Possums I only know from Ice Age.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Wombat hani no nie eine gseh, aber däför scho einigi Possums. Au do schöni Fotene.
