Montag, 4. November 2013

7. Philippinen: Halbzeit-BIlder, halftime-pictures

Ame Sunntig simmer mit de Chind anen Bach. Diea bewohnt Huette haemmer underwaegs atroffe.
One sunday we went with the kids to a crick. On the way we passed this little house

En vo de Juengschte wo sich am Wasser erfreut haet.
One of the youngest one who loved it to play with the water.

Vor erer Wuche simmer in Zoo :-), fuer paar vo de Chind isch da s'erscht Mol im Laebe gsi.
A week ago we went to the zoo. For some of the kids it was the first time in their lives.

Oft sind sie us em Stune fascht nuem use cho.
Just amazing, such beautiful animals.

D'Kids haend de Zoo glieabt.
The kids loved the zoo.

Aes Meitli haet chum me choene ufhoere... ufe, abe, ufe, abe...
A girl who went up and down and up and down...

Sind eifach herzigi Luet diea Philippinos.
Just handsome people the Filippinos.

Noch em Zoo simmer inen Park go Zmittag esse. Es Meitli haet e riese Freud a ihrem Drache.
One of the kids is enjoying the kite in a park where we enjoyed a picknick after the zoo.

Letscht Wuche han ich miteme Projekt gstartet. Ich doerf s'Chinderzimmer vo de chline Buebe striche. E Savanne isch gwuenscht. Ich hoff ich chan diea hohe Erwartige vo de Chind erfuelle :-).
Last week I started to paint the little boys room. They want me to change their room into a Savanna. I hope I can fulfil the high expectations.

Woelles Chind het kei Freud a dene vielne Balloen :-).
Which kid wouldn't be happy about all this ballons :-).

Dank em Jeff und sinere Familie han ich 1x meh d'Moeglichkeit gha, an Hafe z'go.
Thanks Jeff and his family I could enjoy once more a wonderful day at the water.

D'Moeglichkeit de Sunneundergang z'betrachte haend sich vieli noed woelle entgo loh.
Lots of people gathered around the bay to see the sunset.

Mega schoen gsi, sit Langem (2 Moenet) wiedermol en Sunneundergang z'gseh.
It was amazing to stun once more (I had to wait 2 months) about an amazing sunset.

Fuer mich es mega Wunder, wo Gott sei Dank fuer alli Mensche eifach gratis z'beobachte und z'bestune isch.
For me, a sunset is just a miracle. Thanks to God it's free for everybody

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