Besser e Tach ueber em Chopf als gar keis. Better a roof over the head, than none. |
1x i de Wuche Aerobic, 1x Zumba. Do chan ich mini koordinative Faehigkeit usbaue :-)...! Once a week aerobic, once a week zumba. Good for my coordination skills. |
Ich bin jo eigentlich eher en seltene Gascht im MC Donald *smile*. Usually, I'm rather an infrequent visitor in MC Donald *smile*. |
Klassekolleginne vo de grosse Meitli noch de Schuel am Fischball esse. Class mates of the older girls after school, consuming fish balls. |
Gseht bequem us, s'Mittagsschloefli wo sich de Pedicab-Fahrer leischte tuet. Looks very comfortable, the nap which takes one of the pedicab drivers. |
1x i de Wuche goht es Team vom Father's House id Slums und halted "kids church". Once a week a team from the Father's House goes to the slums. There they hold "kids church". |
E Underhose isch luxus...! Panties a luxury...! |
1 x han ich dae Sunneundergang ueber de mega riesige Stadt choene betrachet. Once we could watch the sunset over the 19 million-people-town. |
D'Band vom Father's House, glichzittig alles Mitarbeiter, mega cooli Luet! The band from the Father's House, all staff members and really cool people! |
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